A Global Social Enterprise for

Wholesome Development

A Global Social Enterprise for
Wholesome Development

The Foundation for Peace and Compassionate Leadership (FPCL) is a Section 8 Company (non-profit) under the Indian Companies Act (2013), headquartered in Pune. It was founded in 2019.

The Mission of the Foundation is to create and deploy organizations, systems, technologies, protocols, mechanisms, processes, projects, human-talent and appropriate resources to bring the Foundation’s credo alive in the service of Humanity and Planet Earth.

The Paradigms of Development and Governance that have been followed so far have resulted in (as representative examples)-

1. The over-exploitation of Earth’s resources; 2. Enhanced Green-house gases, 3. The degradation of our Forests and Climate Change, 4. Pollution, over-use of chemicals, and the “dirtying” of our oceans, rivers, and lakes, 5. The wanton creation and use of weapons and armaments, 6. The creation of biological pathogens as weapons of war, 7. The crises of terrorism, 8. The displacement of people, and of stateless refugees; 9. Inequity in the creation and distribution of wealth; 10. A decline in the quality of life for most people; and 11. Absence of diversity in organisations.

We believe that the Sustainable Development Goals  (SDGs) are a potent set of inter-related targets that capture the deep yearning and aspirations of all people to live peacefully, happily and amply; in a world where Mother Earth retains her potent life-giving qualities – not just for us, but for generations yet unborn.

For Humanity as a whole to collaborate to make the SDGs come to fruition in the next decade, and thereby reverse  any and all adverse social, environmental and spiritual trends, calls for leaders and influencers around the globe to alter the paradigm and the metrics by which we gauge development and human well-being. We will need to consciously rely more on Love, Integration, Compassion, Equity, Peace and focused action, on specific and impactful projects, to usher in what we call, Wholesome Development.

Reimagining and Co-Creating a Wholesome World through Impactful Projects

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